INDIVIDUAL HOMEWORK № 1 Variant 1 READING 1. Read the text and decide whether these statements are true or false. 1. Market structure describes how competitive a market is. 2. Perfect competition and pure monopoly are opposites. (Решение → 705)

I. Translate the text paying special attention to new words and terms.


A contract of insurance is a contract having for its object the indemnification against loss, or the payment of a lump sum upon the happening of a certain event. The principal forms of insurance are life, fire and marine. Almost any risk may be the subject of a contract of insurance. For example, accidents, employer’s liability and burglary.
The parties to a contract of insurance are the insurer and the insured. Insurers are people taking the risk, and agreeing to indemnify or pay a lump sum down on the happening of a particular event. If there are no claims they make a profit. If there are a large number of claims they make a loss. And the insured is the person paying the premium for the consideration of the contract. The insurance premium is rate payable for an insurance policy. The instrument being evidence of this contract is an insurance policy.
When a company or a person, takes out an insurance policy it is very often an all - risks policy, that is, it insure the goods or property against almost anything that could happen. When an accident or robbery takes place the injured party puts in a claim to the insurance company. If the insurance company agrees to pay it is said to meet the claim.
For the contract of insurance to be valid it’s necessary for the insured to show that he has an insurable interest in the thing insured. It means, that only those personas can enter the contract of insurance who stand in a legal relationship to the insured thing, for example, the owner, the mortgagee. Sometimes the insurer (or the insurance company) can disclaim all liability. It means that it refuses to be responsible, because of a false claim and they therefore disclaim all liability, they refuse to pay the claim and render the policy void.
There are some other persons who take part in insurance. They are insurance brokers or agents, adjusters, actuary.
Insurance brokers are people who act as agents between the client and the insurance company negotiating a contract.
Adjusters are usually independent firms who assess the damage to property, etc.
Actuary is a professional expert who works out the average expectation of life, on which life insurance premiums are based.

II. Find in the text the Fnglish equivalenrs for the next word combinations.

возмещение убытков; предмет договора о страховании; стороны в договоре; по наступлению оговоренных событий; документ, являющийся подтверждением; пострадавшая сторона подает иск; иметь страховой интерес; ложный иск; объявить полис недействительным.

III. Match the words or word combinations of both sides.

1. indemnification
2. assurer
3. insured
4. an insurance policy
5. to meet the claim
6. to disc1aim all liability
7. adjusters 1. independent expert firms
2. underwriter
3. person, who pays the premium
4. instrument
5. to pay
6. to render the policy void
7. payment of a lump sum

IV. Answer the questions:

1. What is the nature of a contract of insurance?
2. What is the indemnification?
3. What parties enter a contract of insurance?
4. Who takes the risk of insurance?
5. Who is the insured?
6. What is the consideration in the contract of insurance?
7. When do insurance companies make profits?
8. When do they make losses?
9. Why is an insurance policy called an all-risks policy?
10. Why does the insurer disclaim all liability?

V. Make the sentences negative:
- Sometimes the insurer can disclaim all liability.
- The injured party has to put in a claim.
- The principal forms of insurance are life, fire and marine.
- The most insurance companies put in some exceptions.

VI. Put up 4 types of questions:
1. Adjusters are usually independent firms.
2. Actuary works out the average expectation of life.
3. A false c1aim has been made for damage by fire.
4. Only those people can enter the contract of insurance, who stand in a legal relationship to the insured thing.

VII. Choose the proper word and put it in the sentences:

1. A contract ofinsurance has for its object ... .
2. ... takes risk and agrees to indemnify.
3. The premium for the consideration of the contract is paid by ...
4. The insured pays ... for an insurance policy.
5. When the particular event takes pIace, the injured party ... .
6. ... means to render the policy void. 1. the assurer
2. the nsurance premium
3. puts in a claim
4. to disc1aim all liability
5. indemnification against loss
6. insured

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I. Translate the text paying special attention to new words and terms.


A contract of insurance is a contract having for its object the indemnification against loss, or the payment of a lump sum upon the happening of a certain event. The principal forms of insurance are life, fire and marine. Almost any risk may be the subject of a contract of insurance. For example, accidents, employer’s liability and burglary.
The parties to a contract of insurance are the insurer and the insured. Insurers are people taking the risk, and agreeing to indemnify or pay a lump sum down on the happening of a particular event. If there are no claims they make a profit. If there are a large number of claims they make a loss. And the insured is the person paying the premium for the consideration of the contract. The insurance premium is rate payable for an insurance policy. The instrument being evidence of this contract is an insurance policy.
When a company or a person, takes out an insurance policy it is very often an all - risks policy, that is, it insure the goods or property against almost anything that could happen. When an accident or robbery takes place the injured party puts in a claim to the insurance company. If the insurance company agrees to pay it is said to meet the claim.
For the contract of insurance to be valid it’s necessary for the insured to show that he has an insurable interest in the thing insured. It means, that only those personas can enter the contract of insurance who stand in a legal relationship to the insured thing, for example, the owner, the mortgagee. Sometimes the insurer (or the insurance company) can disclaim all liability. It means that it refuses to be responsible, because of a false claim and they therefore disclaim all liability, they refuse to pay the claim and render the policy void.
There are some other persons who take part in insurance. They are insurance brokers or agents, adjusters, actuary.
Insurance brokers are people who act as agents between the client and the insurance company negotiating a contract.
Adjusters are usually independent firms who assess the damage to property, etc.
Actuary is a professional expert who works out the average expectation of life, on which life insurance premiums are based.

II. Find in the text the Fnglish equivalenrs for the next word combinations.

возмещение убытков; предмет договора о страховании; стороны в договоре; по наступлению оговоренных событий; документ, являющийся подтверждением; пострадавшая сторона подает иск; иметь страховой интерес; ложный иск; объявить полис недействительным.

III. Match the words or word combinations of both sides.

1. indemnification
2. assurer
3. insured
4. an insurance policy
5. to meet the claim
6. to disc1aim all liability
7. adjusters 1. independent expert firms
2. underwriter
3. person, who pays the premium
4. instrument
5. to pay
6. to render the policy void
7. payment of a lump sum

IV. Answer the questions:

1. What is the nature of a contract of insurance?
2. What is the indemnification?
3. What parties enter a contract of insurance?
4. Who takes the risk of insurance?
5. Who is the insured?
6. What is the consideration in the contract of insurance?
7. When do insurance companies make profits?
8. When do they make losses?
9. Why is an insurance policy called an all-risks policy?
10. Why does the insurer disclaim all liability?

V. Make the sentences negative:
- Sometimes the insurer can disclaim all liability.
- The injured party has to put in a claim.
- The principal forms of insurance are life, fire and marine.
- The most insurance companies put in some exceptions.

VI. Put up 4 types of questions:
1. Adjusters are usually independent firms.
2. Actuary works out the average expectation of life.
3. A false c1aim has been made for damage by fire.
4. Only those people can enter the contract of insurance, who stand in a legal relationship to the insured thing.

VII. Choose the proper word and put it in the sentences:

1. A contract ofinsurance has for its object ... .
2. ... takes risk and agrees to indemnify.
3. The premium for the consideration of the contract is paid by ...
4. The insured pays ... for an insurance policy.
5. When the particular event takes pIace, the injured party ... .
6. ... means to render the policy void. 1. the assurer
2. the nsurance premium
3. puts in a claim
4. to disc1aim all liability
5. indemnification against loss
6. insured

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            In a real life situation it is not easy to start speaking with a complete stranger, a person in power or a child. The internet … your age, class and looks.INDIVIDUAL HOMEWORK № 1 Variant 1 READING 1. Read the text and decide whether these statements are true or false. 1. Market structure describes how competitive a market is. 2. Perfect competition and pure monopoly are opposites.INDIVIDUAL HOMEWORK № 2 Variant 1 Ex. 1. Read the article from the Financial Times and choose the correct word in bold to complete the summary. abroad expanding launch manufacturing operating overboard restructuring retireIn large cities, there are … merchants who specialize in supplying restaurants.In many restaurants, the receiving clerk is also … ...... in Moscow. Выберите один ответ: a.Most of my friends live b.Most of my friends lives c.Most my friends lives d.Most my friends liveInternational Business Machines (IBM) - международная компания, работающая в сфере современных информационных технологий и занимающаяся производством компьютеров и комплектующих, программного обеспечения, микроэлектроники, сетевых решений и т.п. I. In every line find the odd-one-out and explain why: 1. [m, g, w, r, l] 2. [J, I, V, e] 3. [x, R, J, e] 4. [p, v, b, w] 5. [s, r, n, l, d] II. Transcribe the following and name the phonetic phenomenon in the highlighted partII ВАРИАНТ - КР ПО ЮРИСПРУДЕНЦИИ II ГРУППА ЗАДАНИЙ 7. Выберите наиболее полное и правильное определение: а. Юридическая психология как научная дисциплина занимает промежуточное положение между юриспруденцией и психологиейII. Задача 1.2. Для трехфазного трансформатора, технические данные указаны в таблице 1.3, определить: 1) коэффициент трансформации; 2) токи в обмотках трансформатора при заданной нагрузке; 3) коэффициент полезного действия при заданной нагрузке трансформатора; 4) напряжение на зажимах трансформатора при заданной нагрузке; 5) ток холостого хода; 6) активные и индуктивные сопротивления обмоток R1, R2, X1, X2; при R2 ≈R1 X2≈ X1II. Ответьте кратко на вопросы. (5 баллов х 3=15 баллов).I know the woman ___ is standing there.I like to watch football on TV because you can see more ….. than from a seat in the stadium. Выберите один ответ: a.clearly b.clearness c.clearer d.clear