Контрольная работа по английскому языку (Экономика и бухгалтерский учет ) (Решение → 101496)




Задание 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в нужной форме: Present, Past, Future Indefinite или Continuous. Обращайте внимание на тип предложения.

1. I (not to have dinner) now.

2. She (to see) this film yesterday?

3. My brother (to play) football every day.

4. We (to help) his father in the garden tomorrow.

5. Students (to listen) to a lecture two days ago.

6. He (not to talk) about it the whole evening yesterday.

7. I usually (to read) books in the evening.

8. You (to play) the piano at six o’clock tomorrow.

9. She (to go) to the doctor now?

Задание 2. Задайте вопросы к данным предложениям: общий, два специальных к выделенным словам и разделительный. Обращайте внимание на время сказуемого в предложении.

1. I was preparing for the lesson the whole evening yesterday.

2. She will translate an interesting text tomorrow.

3. Students are doing an exercise now.

4. They usually speak English at the lessons.

5. My brother wrote a report yesterday.

6. Our director will be looking through difficult documents at this time tomorrow.

7. He has seen an interesting film lately.

8. The students had finished this exercise by 8 o’clock.

9. By the end of March John will have lived here for three years.

10. We have visited many new places this year.

11. Mary had had lunch by that time.

12. Workers will have built the road by the end of the year.

Задание 3. Переведите предложения на английский язык, употребляя Present Perfect Tense.

1. Вы уже просмотрели документы?

2. Он только что пригласил Джейн на вечеринку.

3. Майк никогда не слышал этой песни.

4. Они продали свой дом в этом месяце.

5. Мистер Смит уже уехал.

            КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА № 1ВАРИАНТ 1Задание 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в нужной форме: Present, Past, Future Indefinite или Continuous. Обращайте внимание на тип предложения.1.   I (not to have dinner) now.2.   She (to see) this film yesterday? 3.   My brother (to play) football every day.4.   We (to help) his father in the garden tomorrow.5.   Students (to listen) to a lecture two days ago.6.   He (not to talk) about it the whole evening yesterday.7.   I usually (to read) books in the evening.8.   You (to play) the piano at six o’clock tomorrow.9.   She (to go) to the doctor now? Задание 2. Задайте вопросы к данным предложениям: общий, два специальных к выделенным словам и разделительный. Обращайте внимание на время сказуемого в предложении.1.   I was preparing for the lesson the whole evening yesterday.2.   She will translate an interesting text tomorrow.3.   Students are doing an exercise now.4.   They usually speak English at the lessons.5.   My brother wrote a report yesterday.6.   Our director will be looking through difficult documents at this time tomorrow.7.   He has seen an interesting film lately.8.   The students had finished this exercise by 8 o’clock.9.   By the end of March John will have lived here for three years.10.   We have visited many new places this year.11.   Mary had had lunch by that time.12.   Workers will have built the road by the end of the year. Задание 3. Переведите предложения на английский язык, употребляя Present Perfect Tense.1.   Вы уже просмотрели документы?2.   Он только что пригласил Джейн на вечеринку.3.   Майк никогда не слышал этой песни.4.   Они продали свой дом в этом месяце.5.   Мистер Смит уже уехал.    
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