N одинаковых источников ЭДС с одинаковыми внутренним сопротивлением r=1 Ом соединяют в батарею и подключают к клеммам этой батареи нагрузку с сопротивлением R=5 Ом (Решение → 737)

Task I: Прочитайте и переведите письменно 3и 4 абзацы.

A letter from my London friend.
I live in a house. It is a big house. Like many English houses it is a two-storey brick building with a garden around it. On the ground floor we have a sitting room, a dining room and a kitchen. The kitchen is rather big and comfortable. My daughter Alice helps me to cook in the kitchen.
When we have guests we have dinner in the dining room. After dinner we usually go to the sitting room. Our sitting room is very cosy. Three isn’t much furniture in it. There is a sofa opposite the fireplace and two armchairs near it. There are some pictures on the walls. In the middle of the room there is a big carpet. We have a TV set in the corner. Father likes to watch TV in the evenings.
Our bedrooms are upstairs, on the first floor. There are not many things in our bedroom. There are only two beds, a mirror, a dressing table and a wardrobe in it. We have two bedrooms for guests. They are rather small. Our bedrooms are cold. In winter we heat them because there is no central heating. Few people have central heating in their own houses.
My husband’s study room is downstairs. It faces the garden. It is light and spacious. There are a lot of books in the bookcases and a lot of paper on the desk. There is also a computer on his desk. There are a few chairs in his room. It is my husband’s favourite room.
I like my house. It is my home.

Task II: Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

1. Where are the bedroom?
2. What is there in the bedroom?
3. Why are the bedrooms cold?
4. Where does my husbands study face?
5. What is thre in his desk?

Task III: Употребите правильный вариант.

1. Is there a … in your sitting room? (bath, desk, TV set) 2. We have a table and some … in the dining room. (chairs, bookshelves, beds) 3. Have you any bookshelves in your…? (kitchen, garden, study room) 4. They have no … on Sunday. (visitors, teachers, students) 5. They two … near the fireplace. (beds, armchairs, tables) 6. … the sofa he has a bookcase. (under, to the right of, over)

Task IV: Употребите глагол “to have” в правильной форме.

1. He … a large family. 2. He … two pets at home. 3. They … a very nice flat in Moscow. 4. Peter … many friends at school. 5. You … many English books at home. 6. … she any brothers or sisters? – Yes, she … two brothers and a sister. 7. My mother … tree children. 8. I … two cousins, an aunt and an uncle.

Task V: Закончите следующие предложения.

1. In the corner of the room there is…
2. When we get up we in the morning we go to ….
3. Our bedrooms are … .
4. My kitchen faces ….
5. There is a TV set in the …
6. Behind the house there is …
7. There is … in his study room.
8. There are … in my flat.
9. Our sitting room is very…
10. We have breakfast in the …

Task VI: Употребите “much”, “many”, “little”, “few”

1. I am busy now. I have … time. 2. We know … English and American songs. 3. There is not … milk in the fridge. 4. There are … rooms in the house. 5. Does she read…? 6. Are there … bedrooms in your house? 7. …people know Chinese. 8. … people learn English. 9. Nick has … English books but very … Russian books. 10. There is … light in that room, because there are … windows in it. 11. She talks, but does…. 12. Is there … or … furniture in your new flat?

Task VII: Переведите на английский язык.

1. В квартире есть мебель? – Да, есть стол, диван, два кресла, несколько стульев и книжный шкаф. 2. В доме центральное отопление, но внизу также камин. 3. Квартира темная. В ней мало окон, окна выходят в сад.

Чтобы купить работу, зарегистрируйтесь по ссылке:


Task I: Прочитайте и переведите письменно 3и 4 абзацы.

A letter from my London friend.
I live in a house. It is a big house. Like many English houses it is a two-storey brick building with a garden around it. On the ground floor we have a sitting room, a dining room and a kitchen. The kitchen is rather big and comfortable. My daughter Alice helps me to cook in the kitchen.
When we have guests we have dinner in the dining room. After dinner we usually go to the sitting room. Our sitting room is very cosy. Three isn’t much furniture in it. There is a sofa opposite the fireplace and two armchairs near it. There are some pictures on the walls. In the middle of the room there is a big carpet. We have a TV set in the corner. Father likes to watch TV in the evenings.
Our bedrooms are upstairs, on the first floor. There are not many things in our bedroom. There are only two beds, a mirror, a dressing table and a wardrobe in it. We have two bedrooms for guests. They are rather small. Our bedrooms are cold. In winter we heat them because there is no central heating. Few people have central heating in their own houses.
My husband’s study room is downstairs. It faces the garden. It is light and spacious. There are a lot of books in the bookcases and a lot of paper on the desk. There is also a computer on his desk. There are a few chairs in his room. It is my husband’s favourite room.
I like my house. It is my home.

Task II: Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

1. Where are the bedroom?
2. What is there in the bedroom?
3. Why are the bedrooms cold?
4. Where does my husbands study face?
5. What is thre in his desk?

Task III: Употребите правильный вариант.

1. Is there a … in your sitting room? (bath, desk, TV set) 2. We have a table and some … in the dining room. (chairs, bookshelves, beds) 3. Have you any bookshelves in your…? (kitchen, garden, study room) 4. They have no … on Sunday. (visitors, teachers, students) 5. They two … near the fireplace. (beds, armchairs, tables) 6. … the sofa he has a bookcase. (under, to the right of, over)

Task IV: Употребите глагол “to have” в правильной форме.

1. He … a large family. 2. He … two pets at home. 3. They … a very nice flat in Moscow. 4. Peter … many friends at school. 5. You … many English books at home. 6. … she any brothers or sisters? – Yes, she … two brothers and a sister. 7. My mother … tree children. 8. I … two cousins, an aunt and an uncle.

Task V: Закончите следующие предложения.

1. In the corner of the room there is…
2. When we get up we in the morning we go to ….
3. Our bedrooms are … .
4. My kitchen faces ….
5. There is a TV set in the …
6. Behind the house there is …
7. There is … in his study room.
8. There are … in my flat.
9. Our sitting room is very…
10. We have breakfast in the …

Task VI: Употребите “much”, “many”, “little”, “few”

1. I am busy now. I have … time. 2. We know … English and American songs. 3. There is not … milk in the fridge. 4. There are … rooms in the house. 5. Does she read…? 6. Are there … bedrooms in your house? 7. …people know Chinese. 8. … people learn English. 9. Nick has … English books but very … Russian books. 10. There is … light in that room, because there are … windows in it. 11. She talks, but does…. 12. Is there … or … furniture in your new flat?

Task VII: Переведите на английский язык.

1. В квартире есть мебель? – Да, есть стол, диван, два кресла, несколько стульев и книжный шкаф. 2. В доме центральное отопление, но внизу также камин. 3. Квартира темная. В ней мало окон, окна выходят в сад.

Чтобы купить работу, зарегистрируйтесь по ссылке:  

            N одинаковых источников ЭДС с одинаковым внутренним сопротивлением r = 1 Ом соединяют в батарею и подключают к клеммам этой батареи нагрузку с сопротивлением R = 5 Ом. Если все источники ЭДС соединены в батарею последовательно, то на нагрузке выдеN одинаковых источников ЭДС с одинаковыми внутренним сопротивлением r=1 Ом соединяют в батарею и подключают к клеммам этой батареи нагрузку с сопротивлением R=5 ОмOCTAVE MATLAB Составить программу перестановки задаваемых двух столбцов и двух строк целочисленной матрицы. С помощью этой программы переставить два любых столбца и две любые строки в матрице A(−2 : 3,0 : 4)  O. Henry The Cop and the Anthem  анализ текстаOIL & GAS Посмотрите видео и напишите его содержание на русском языке (ИРНИТУ)One of the basic roles of the multinational corporation is ….Out of 521 Nobel prizes for science and medicine between 1903 and 2007 only 12 ….. to women. Выберите один ответ: a.have been awarded b.awarded c.had been awarded d.were awarded№ 1. Охарактеризуйте особенности квалификации при различных формах и видах соучастия.№ 2. На примере конкретного уголовного дела покажите, какие признаки происшедшего события имеют значение№ 1. Составить план производства продукции, обеспечив максимум прибыли, учитывая ограничения, заданные в таблице 1. № 2. Распределить план перевозок однотипного груза от трёх поставщиков к четырём потребителям, обеспечив минимальные затраты на перевозку.№1. Составить план производства продукции, обеспечив максимум прибыли, учитывая ограничения, заданные в таблице 1. Таблица 1 Линейная оптимизация №2. Распределить план перевозок однотипного груза от трёх поставщиков к четырём потребителям, обеспечив минимальные затраты на перевозку. Исходные данные представлены в таблице 2.№ 2.	Влияние развития управленческой мысли на развитие кадрового консалтинг в России.№4. ВВП в условиях полной занятости составляет 200 млрд. руб. Фактический объём ВВП равен 160 млрд. руб. Сумма налогов составляет 10% от величины ВВП. Государственные расходы на товары и услуги равны 18 млрд. руб. Определите: 1) сальдо (дефицит или профицит) государственного бюджета; 2) как изменится сальдо государственного бюджета в условиях достижения полной занятости.№ 5.1. Частица движется так, что ее радиус-вектор зависит от времени по закону r (t)=i ⃗∙A(t/τ)^3+j ⃗∙B+k ⃗∙C(t/τ)^4, где A,B,C – постоянные величины, i ⃗,j ⃗,k ⃗ – единичные орты в декартовой системе координат. Найдите тангенс угла, под которым будет направлена скорость v ⃗ к оси z в момент времени t=1с, если τ=1с. A=3м,B=4м,C=5м.Not long ago private education ….. automatically from one generation to the next, like the family silver. Выберите один ответ: a. is handed down b. has been handed down c. was handed down d. had been handed down