На основании информации из текста ниже что His friend Alex is American. My Office Hello. My name's Steve. I'm British and I'm from London. This is my office in Moscow. It's a small room, but it's light. My friend Alex isn't British, he's Russian. (Решение → 20467)


На основании информации из текста ниже что His friend Alex is American. My Office Hello. My name's Steve. I'm British and I'm from London. This is my office in Moscow. It's a small room, but it's light. My friend Alex isn't British, he's Russian. His English is very good. Alex is nice and polite. Well, goodbye! Have a nice day!

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          На основании информации из текста ниже что His friend Alex is American. My Office Hello. My name's Steve. I'm British and I'm from London. This is my office in Moscow. It's a small room, but it's light. My friend Alex isn't British, he's Russian. His English is very good. Alex is nice and polite. Well, goodbye! Have a nice day!Тип ответа: Одиночный выборможно утверждатьследует ошибочность утверждения о томотсутствует информация о томВсе ответы по экзаменационному тесту Вы найдёте здесь:   
            На основании информации из текста ниже что His friend Alex is American. My Office Hello. My name s Steve. Im British and Im from London. This is my office in Moscow. Its a small room, but its light. My friend Alex isnt British, hes Russian. На основании информации из текста ниже что His friend Alex is American. My Office Hello. My name's Steve. I'm British and I'm from London. This is my office in Moscow. It's a small room, but it's light. My friend Alex isn't British, he's Russian. На основании информации из текста ниже ..., что His Russian is very good. My Office Hello. My name s Steve. I m British and I m from London. This is my office in Moscow. It s a small room, but it s light. My friend Alex isn t British, he s Russian.На основании информации из текста ниже что His Russian is very good. My Office Hello. My name's Steve. I'm British and I'm from London. This is my office in Moscow. It's a small room, but it's light. My friend Alex isn't British, he's Russian. His На основании информации из текста ниже ..., что It s a very large room. My Office Hello. My name s Steve. I m British and I m from London. This is my office in Moscow. It s a small room, but it s light. My friend Alex isn t British, he s Russian. На основании информации из текста ниже ..., что Steve is from Russia My Office Hello. My name s Steve. I m British and I m from London. This is my office in Moscow. It s a small room, but it s light. My friend Alex isn t British, he s Russian. На основании информации из текста ниже ..., что The room in his office is light. My Office Hello.My name s Steve. I m British and I m from London. This is my office in Moscow. It s a small room, but it s light. My friend Alex isn t British, he s RussНа олимпиаду пришло 8 студентов. Сколькими способами их можно разместить в три аудитории?  На Олимпийских играх 1928 года французский фехтовальщик Люсьен Годен был задет рапирой противника. Когда судья провозгласил: «Не попал!», Годен вышел вперед и закричал: «Я задет!». Результаты соревнования были впоследствии пересмотрены не в его пользНа основании данных таблицы 2 составьте бухгалтерские записи.На основании данных таблицы рассчитать показатели эффективности использования основных фондов. Сформулировать выводы.На основании информации из текста ниже ..., что Alex is a nice and polite man My Office Hello. My name s Steve. I m British and I m from London. This is my office in Moscow. It s a small room, but it s light. My friend Alex isn t British,На основании информации из текста ниже ..., что Alex is a nice and polite man My Office Hello. My name s Steve. I m British and I m from London. This is my office in Moscow. It s a small room, but it s light. My friend Alex isn t British,На основании информации из текста ниже что Alex is a nice and polite man My Office Hello. My name's Steve. I'm British and I'm from London. This is my office in Moscow. It's a small room, but it's light. My friend Alex isn't British, he's Russian.