Test 8. Match the jobs to the descriptions (Решение → 41987)


Look at the jobs below and match them to the correct description 1–8. Сопоставьте профессии с их описаниями.

He repairs cars.

She designs buildings.

He does hard physical work.

He is an important person in the company and sits on the Board.

He writes articles for a newspaper.

She cuts people’s hair.

She helps people with their money.

She works in an office, and she tells people what to do.

          Look at the jobs below and match them to the correct description 1–8. Сопоставьте профессии с их описаниями.He repairs cars. She designs buildings. He does hard physical work. He is an important person in the company and sits on the Board. He writes articles for a newspaper. She cuts people’s hair. She helps people with their money. She works in an office, and she tells people what to do.   
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