














                  Реферат по английскому языку 



                              Тема:  Якутия  





















                                         Выполнила:   ученица 9 класса УСОШ

                                                                               Ерофеева Евгения

                                                         Проверила: учитель английского языка УСОШ

                                                                                             Догойдонова А.И.



                                                         Устье, 2011 г.



The republic Sakha (Yakutia) the area in 3103200 square kilometres is the largest independent territory of the people of the Far North. Yakutia, makes the one fifth part of Russia that six times there is more than France. Some hours are necessary to fly by by plane over extensive hills and high ridges of northeast Yakutia. The republic shares on three time zones.

More than 40 percent of territory of republic are behind Polar circle, the length of the Arctic coast of Yakutia makes more than 4000 kilometres. All territory of Yakutia as if the reservation, it is covered by a permafrost leaving in depth of the earth, places more than in one and a half kilometre. Yakutia is opened to breath of ocean Ledovitogo and closed by mountains from southern winds.

  In Yakutia is more than 700000 rivers in length over 10 kilometres and 800000 lakes the area over hectare. The rivers Kolyma, Indigirka, Olenek and Yana surpass such great rivers of Europe, as Rhine, Elba and Dnepr. The river Lena, length more than 4400 kilometres, is one of the great rivers of the world.

On a share of Yakutia it is necessary over 30 percent of the wild nature of Rossi or more than 10 percent wild percent of the wild nature of all world. The Yakut woods is almost the one fifteenth part of woods of all globe. More than 90 percent of woods make especially valuable coniferous woods.     

The unique and picturesque places, reference landscapes, places of mass reproduction and migration of wild animals, and also places of carrying out of national holidays are considered sacred, great and inviolable.

In Yakutia over 40 thousand deposits and displays more than 60 kinds of minerals: diamonds, gold, tungsten, tin, antimony. Huge stocks of natural gas, oil, iron ores, coal, apatites, zeolites, mineral waters and it is a lot of another.

The population of Yakutia exceeds one million inhabitants, including nearby 400000 саха (Yakuts and долган), nearby 15000 эвенков, 10000 эвенов, 1000 юкагиров, 500 чукчей. The people Sakha are the largest radical people of the Far North.

Capital of Yakutia the city of Yakutsk. The especial status of Yakutia, with its huge spaces and pantries of infinite natural riches, has made republic one of political leaders of the Russian Federation

