In all the books on etiquette that I ……… it is explained that the tactful host does not map out the day too precisely for his guest in advance. Выберите один или несколько ответов: 2.had read reading 4.have read (Решение → 34852)


In all the books on etiquette that I ……… it is explained that the tactful host does not map out the day too precisely for his guest in advance.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

2.had read


4.have read

          In all the books on etiquette that I ……… it is explained that the tactful host does not map out the day too precisely for his guest in advance.Выберите один или несколько ответов:2.had read reading4.have read  
            I like to watch football on TV because you can see more ….. than from a seat in the stadium. Выберите один ответ: a.clearly b.clearness c.clearer d.clearIn all the books on etiquette that I ……… it is explained that the tactful host does not map out the day too precisely for his guest in advance. Выберите один или несколько ответов: 2.had read reading 4.have readIn a real life situation it is not easy to start speaking with a complete stranger, a person in power or a child. The internet … your age, class and looks.INDIVIDUAL HOMEWORK № 1 Variant 1 READING 1. Read the text and decide whether these statements are true or false. 1. Market structure describes how competitive a market is. 2. Perfect competition and pure monopoly are opposites.INDIVIDUAL HOMEWORK № 2 Variant 1 Ex. 1. Read the article from the Financial Times and choose the correct word in bold to complete the summary. abroad expanding launch manufacturing operating overboard restructuring retireIn large cities, there are … merchants who specialize in supplying restaurants.In many restaurants, the receiving clerk is also … .I ... here all my life.I hope Kate is coming soon. I ... for two hours.I. In every line find the odd-one-out and explain why: 1. [m, g, w, r, l] 2. [J, I, V, e] 3. [x, R, J, e] 4. [p, v, b, w] 5. [s, r, n, l, d] II. Transcribe the following and name the phonetic phenomenon in the highlighted partII ВАРИАНТ - КР ПО ЮРИСПРУДЕНЦИИ II ГРУППА ЗАДАНИЙ 7. Выберите наиболее полное и правильное определение: а. Юридическая психология как научная дисциплина занимает промежуточное положение между юриспруденцией и психологиейII. Задача 1.2. Для трехфазного трансформатора, технические данные указаны в таблице 1.3, определить: 1) коэффициент трансформации; 2) токи в обмотках трансформатора при заданной нагрузке; 3) коэффициент полезного действия при заданной нагрузке трансформатора; 4) напряжение на зажимах трансформатора при заданной нагрузке; 5) ток холостого хода; 6) активные и индуктивные сопротивления обмоток R1, R2, X1, X2; при R2 ≈R1 X2≈ X1II. Ответьте кратко на вопросы. (5 баллов х 3=15 баллов).