Прочитайте предложенный текст и выберите единственно правильный ответ в каждом задании. Price, along with product, place, and promotion, are the variables that the marketing manager controls. Pricing is extremely important since it so directly (Решение → 16841)


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Price, along with product, place, and promotion, are the variables that the marketing manager controls. Pricing is extremely important since it so directly affects an organization's sales and profits. Naturally, profit objectives will guide pricing decisions. The marketing manager has to decide whether to maximize profits or establish a target return. A particular target might be a certain percentage return on sales or a certain percentage return on investment or, for a small family operation, the return might be a fixed dollar amount of profit to cover overhead and living expenses. With any objective, the time factor is crucial. What is an appropriate objective for the short-term may not be for the long-term and vice-versa.

Marketers are concerned with all the factors affecting price, in order to keep their products from faring poorly in a widely variable atmosphere. Even in service areas such as passenger fares and freight rates, where detailed prices are printed and distributed, influences may cause fluctuation. The marketing manager knows that the costs of the separate elements of the marketing mix can be recovered by proper pricing. The cost of the product itself—the promotion and selling associated with it, the distribution expenses, and profit — are all directly related to price. Thus price knits together the elements of the marketing mix and pays for their respective contributions. The marketing manager must analyze and reconcile the various elements of those variables which influence price, and must then decide on an optimal price policy.

The most fundamental part of any marketing analysis is the recognition of the competitive structure of the industry. Where there are many competitors offering the same type of product, price competition will be active. When there are great numbers of similar offerings, products tend to lose their individuality. Then differentiation becomes difficult, and marketers have little discretionary power to influence prices. It is in this circumstance that marketers and merchants alike look to sales techniques. Disposing of goods at reduced prices draws attention to the specific brand, in the hope that customers will continue to buy when prices return to "normal."

Proper pricing can...

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор

cover losses suffered due to bad sales

cause market fluctuation

result in price fixing

          Прочитайте предложенный текст и выберите единственно правильный ответ в каждом задании.Price, along with product, place, and promotion, are the variables that the marketing manager controls. Pricing is extremely important since it so directly affects an organization's sales and profits. Naturally, profit objectives will guide pricing decisions. The marketing manager has to decide whether to maximize profits or establish a target return. A particular target might be a certain percentage return on sales or a certain percentage return on investment or, for a small family operation, the return might be a fixed dollar amount of profit to cover overhead and living expenses. With any objective, the time factor is crucial. What is an appropriate objective for the short-term may not be for the long-term and vice-versa.Marketers are concerned with all the factors affecting price, in order to keep their products from faring poorly in a widely variable atmosphere. Even in service areas such as passenger fares and freight rates, where detailed prices are printed and distributed, influences may cause fluctuation. The marketing manager knows that the costs of the separate elements of the marketing mix can be recovered by proper pricing. The cost of the product itself—the promotion and selling associated with it, the distribution expenses, and profit — are all directly related to price. Thus price knits together the elements of the marketing mix and pays for their respective contributions. The marketing manager must analyze and reconcile the various elements of those variables which influence price, and must then decide on an optimal price policy.The most fundamental part of any marketing analysis is the recognition of the competitive structure of the industry. Where there are many competitors offering the same type of product, price competition will be active. When there are great numbers of similar offerings, products tend to lose their individuality. Then differentiation becomes difficult, and marketers have little discretionary power to influence prices. It is in this circumstance that marketers and merchants alike look to sales techniques. Disposing of goods at reduced prices draws attention to the specific brand, in the hope that customers will continue to buy when prices return to normal. Proper pricing can...Тип ответа: Одиночный выборcover losses suffered due to bad salescause market fluctuationresult in price fixing  
            Прочитайте предложенный текст и выберите единственно правильный ответ  Most well-run organizations attempt to develop and follow strategies, large-scale action plans for interacting with the environment in,order to achieve long-term goals. Прочитайте предложенный текст и выберите единственно правильный ответ в каждом задании.  Price, along with product, place, and promotion, are the variables that the marketing manager controls. Pricing is extremely important since it so directlyПрочитайте реплики клиентов и предположите, как содержание их рассказов трансформируется в восприятии консультанта в гипотезу, сформулированную на профессиональном языке.Прочитайте романы Лонга «Дафнис и Хлоя», Апулея «Метаморфозы», прочитайте статью М.М. Бахтина «Формы времени и хронотопа в романе».Прочитайте фрагмент описания стратегии развития ПАО «Объединенная авиастроительная корпорация» до 2025 г. (см. ниже). Определите, какая из трех формулировок соответствует миссии корпорации и почему.Прочность древесины при увеличении влажности до 30%:Прочтите сопроводительное письмо девушки, которая хочет найти подработку на выходных днях, и заполните анкету соискателя Dear Sir/Madam,Прочитайте внимательно приведённый текст ниже. Решите задачу. Дайте обоснованный ответ. Спрос на аксессуары для ноутбуков в интернет-магазинах характеризуется выражением Qd = 750 –3Р, а предложение Qs = 2Р –125. Определите равновесную цену.Прочитайте и восстановите представленное далее утверждение, в котором заключается основное содержание методических подходов к процессу оценки результативности Прочитайте и переведите текст. This kindergarten is known as “The Sun.” Almost 160 children, ages 2 to 7, make up eight classes of children. Each class is grouped together by age.Прочитайте и устно переведите текст на русский язык. My Family We are seven in the family: Mother, Father, a brother, a sister, my wife, my daughter and I (me).Прочитайте кейс. Определите потребности (по теории А. Маслоу), которые побуждали Робинзона действовать описанным образом. К моменту своего знакомства с туземцем Пятницей Робинзон Крузо уже вполне научился обходиться без помощи других людей, добывать Прочитайте кейс. Ответьте на вопрос, как называется такой подход и к чему может привести злоупотребление таким способом принятия решений? Компания «Сигма», производящая спортивные тренажеры, работает в условиях жесткой конкуренции. Генеральный Прочитайте отрывок из учебника «Возрастная психология» Л.Ф. Обуховой «Основные психологические новообразования дошкольного возраста» и заполните таблицу: