Task 4. Watch the video about festivals in Great Britain and write a descriptive essay about one of the national festivals celebrated in your country. 2 (Решение → 739)

В данной работе выполнены все письменные задания из учебника Technical English - 2 - Course Book - UNIT 2
Все задания учебника переведены на русский язык.
Устные упражнения пропущены, т.к. для их выполнения необходима личная информация о студенте.
Упр. 2. Стр.10
Tore and Ken work on different oil platforms. Listen to their phone call and
complete the information on the left.
Упр. 3. Стр.10
Listen to Tore (T) and Ken (K) again and complete the conversation.
Упр 4. Стр10
Работайте в паре. Спросите друг у друга об изменениях в рабочем режиме.
Упр. 5, стр. 11
Listen to these oil rig workers talking about their jobs. Tick their jobs on the
organization charts.
Упр.6, стр.11
Complete the job descriptions. Use the correct form of these verbs.
Упр.7, стр.11
Work in pairs. Act the pairs of two of the oil rig workers. Ask each other about
Упр.2., стр. 12
Ben is a safety officer on an oil rig. Listen to his phone call. What is the purpose
of the call.
Упр.3., стр. 12
Listen to the phone call again and complete these notes.
Упр.4., стр. 12
Listen to Tore (T) and Ben (B) again and fill in the gaps.
Упр.5., стр. 12
You are Ben and this is your diary for this week. Explain your plans
Упр.6., стр. 12
Ask Ben questions about the diary.
Упр.7., стр. 13
What things do you have to do today (or at the weekend)? Make a list, and then
work out a timetable for doing them. Present your to the class.
Упр.8., стр. 13
Rewrite this email replacing the phrases in italics.
Упр.9., стр. 13
Write this email
Exchange emails with a partner. Take the part of Ben, and reply to your
partner’s email.
Упр.2., стр.14
Read this section of a cv and answer the questions below.
Упр.3., стр.14
Practice your speed reading. Look for the information you need on the SPEED
SEARCH pages (118-119). Try to be the first to complete the task.
Task: Find an adverb for a job relevant to Anna’s career plans, qualifications
and work experience.
Упр.4., стр.14
Anna is talking about her CV. Fill in the gaps.
Упр.6., стр.15
Put these headings in the coloured boxes.
Упр.9., стр.15
Fill in the gaps.
Упр.10., стр.15
Write the numbers from the CV next to the questions to Anna
Review Unit A


В данной работе выполнены все письменные задания из учебника Technical English - 2 - Course Book - UNIT 2
Все задания учебника переведены на русский язык.
Устные упражнения пропущены, т.к. для их выполнения необходима личная информация о студенте.


Упр. 2. Стр.10
Tore and Ken work on different oil platforms. Listen to their phone call and
complete the information on the left.
Упр. 3. Стр.10
Listen to Tore (T) and Ken (K) again and complete the conversation.
Упр 4. Стр10
Работайте в паре. Спросите друг у друга об изменениях в рабочем режиме.
Упр. 5, стр. 11
Listen to these oil rig workers talking about their jobs. Tick their jobs on the
organization charts.
Упр.6, стр.11
Complete the job descriptions. Use the correct form of these verbs.
Упр.7, стр.11
Work in pairs. Act the pairs of two of the oil rig workers. Ask each other about
Упр.2., стр. 12
Ben is a safety officer on an oil rig. Listen to his phone call. What is the purpose
of the call.
Упр.3., стр. 12
Listen to the phone call again and complete these notes.
Упр.4., стр. 12
Listen to Tore (T) and Ben (B) again and fill in the gaps.
Упр.5., стр. 12
You are Ben and this is your diary for this week. Explain your plans
Упр.6., стр. 12
Ask Ben questions about the diary.
Упр.7., стр. 13
What things do you have to do today (or at the weekend)? Make a list, and then
work out a timetable for doing them. Present your to the class.
Упр.8., стр. 13
Rewrite this email replacing the phrases in italics.
Упр.9., стр. 13
Write this email
Exchange emails with a partner. Take the part of Ben, and reply to your
partner’s email.
Упр.2., стр.14
Read this section of a cv and answer the questions below.
Упр.3., стр.14
Practice your speed reading. Look for the information you need on the SPEED
SEARCH pages (118-119). Try to be the first to complete the task.
Task: Find an adverb for a job relevant to Anna’s career plans, qualifications
and work experience.
Упр.4., стр.14
Anna is talking about her CV. Fill in the gaps.
Упр.6., стр.15
Put these headings in the coloured boxes.
Упр.9., стр.15
Fill in the gaps.
Упр.10., стр.15
Write the numbers from the CV next to the questions to Anna
Review Unit A

            Task 4. Watch the video about festivals in Great Britain and write a descriptive essay about one of the national festivals celebrated in your countryTask 4. Watch the video about festivals in Great Britain and write a descriptive essay about one of the national festivals celebrated in your country. 2Task 4 Сделайте преобразование слова ( данного справа) в контексте  предложения. Task I: Прочитайте и переведите письменно 3и 4 абзацы. A letter from my London friend. I live in a house. It is a big house. Like many English houses it is a two-storey brick building with a garden around it. On the ground floor we have a sitting room, a dining room and a kitchen. The kitchen is rather big and comfortable.TCP является протоколом … уровняTechnology provides science with new and more _________ instruments for its investigation and research. Выберите один или несколько ответов: 1.careful 2.accurate 3.standard 4.exactTest 10. Present Simple:Talent менеджмент. Синергия (Итоговый, компетентностный, промежуточные тесты). На отлично!Talent менеджмент. Синергия (Итоговый, компетентностный, промежуточные тесты). На отлично!Talent менеджмент Синергия МТИ МосАП Ответы на итоговый тест💯 Talent менеджмент [Тема 1-4] (ответы на тесты Синергия / МОИ / МТИ / МосАП, сентябрь 2023)talent-менеджмент-тест с ответами СинергияTalent менеджмент (тест с ответами Синергия/МОИ/ МТИ /МОСАП)….. tall is he? Выберите один ответ: a.Where b.How c.Why d.What