1 Any type of work that needs special training or a particular skill, often one that is respected because it involves a high level of education 2 Administrative professional, or personal assistant is a person whose (Решение → 81172)


1 Any type of work that needs special training or a particular skill, often one that is respected because it involves a high level of education

2 Administrative professional, or personal assistant is a person whose work consists of supporting management, including executives, using a variety of project management, communication, or organizational skills

3 The situation in which a lot of things are happening or people are moving around

4 A company offering a professional service, for example a company of lawyers

5 A formal, in-depth conversation between two or more persons, wherein the exchange of information takes place, with a view of checking a candidate’s acceptability for the job.

6 A curated collection of sources of information and similar resources, selected by experts and made accessible to a defined community for reference or borrowing, often in a quiet environment conducive to study.

7 A place where historical records are kept document, a paper or set of papers with written or printed information, especially of an official type

9 A room or other an area where the employees of an organization perform administrative work in order to support and realize objects and goals of the organization

8 An organization that sells goods or services in order to make money


1 Any type of work that needs special training or a particular skill, often one that is respected because it involves a high level of education2 Administrative professional, or personal

1 Any type of work that needs special training or a particular skill, often one that is respected because it involves a high level of education

2 Administrative professional, or personal assistant is a person whose work consists of supporting management, including executives, using a variety of project management, communication, or organizational skills

3 The situation in which a lot of things are happening or people are moving around

4 A company offering a professional service, for example a company of lawyers

5 A formal, in-depth conversation between two or more persons, wherein the exchange of information takes place, with a view of checking a candidate’s acceptability for the job.

6 A curated collection of sources of information and similar resources, selected by experts and made accessible to a defined community for reference or borrowing, often in a quiet environment conducive to study.

7 A place where historical records are kept document, a paper or set of papers with written or printed information, especially of an official type

9 A room or other an area where the employees of an organization perform administrative work in order to support and realize objects and goals of the organization

8 An organization that sells goods or services in order to make money

            1 Any type of work that needs special training or a particular skill, often one that is respected because it involves a high level of education2 Administrative professional, or personal assistant is a person whose work consists of supporting management, including executives, using a variety of project management, communication, or organizational skills3 The situation in which a lot of things are happening or people are moving around4 A company offering a professional service, for example a company of lawyers5 A formal, in-depth conversation between two or more persons, wherein the exchange of information takes place, with a view of checking a candidate’s acceptability for the job.6 A curated collection of sources of information and similar resources, selected by experts and made accessible to a defined community for reference or borrowing, often in a quiet environment conducive to study. 7 A place where historical records are kept document, a paper or set of papers with written or printed information, especially of an official type9 A room or other an area where the employees of an organization perform administrative work in order to support and realize objects and goals of the organization8 An organization that sells goods or services in order to make money 
            1 Any type of work that needs special training or a particular skill, often one that is respected because it involves a high level of education2 Administrative professional, or personal assistant is a person whose work consists of supporting management, including executives, using a variety of project management, communication, or organizational skills3 The situation in which a lot of things are happening or people are moving around4 A company offering a professional service, for example a company of lawyers5 A formal, in-depth conversation between two or more persons, wherein the exchange of information takes place, with a view of checking a candidate’s acceptability for the job.6 A curated collection of sources of information and similar resources, selected by experts and made accessible to a defined community for reference or borrowing, often in a quiet environment conducive to study. 7 A place where historical records are kept document, a paper or set of papers with written or printed information, especially of an official type9 A room or other an area where the employees of an organization perform administrative work in order to support and realize objects and goals of the organization8 An organization that sells goods or services in order to make money  
            19. Рассчитайте стандартную энтальпию образования диоксида азота (NO₂), исходя из следующего термохимического уравнения:  2NO(г) = N₂O₄(г) + 57,27 кДж.  Ответ: ΔfHº₂₉₈(NO₂) = +34,75 кДж/моль1 Any type of work that needs special training or a particular skill, often one that is respected because it involves a high level of education 2 Administrative professional, or personal assistant is a person whose 1. Choose the correct word for each sentence. (20 баллов) 1) The most severe _____ is imprisonment. a) punishment b) crime c) mistake 2) There are detailed _________ of prisoners’ life. a) laws b) regulations c) situations1.Nobody knows what the first language was. But scientists feel sure that nobody speaks it today because all languages change and keep on changing as long as people use them. One language may change in different ways in different places and grow into several languages.1. N одинаковых источников ЭДС с одинаковым внутренним сопротивлением r = 1 Ом соединяют в батарею и подключают к клеммам этой батареи нагрузку с сопротивлением R = 5 Ом. Если все источники ЭДС соединены в батарею последовательно, то на нагрузке выделяется в 9 раз большая мощность, чем в том случае, когда батарея собрана из параллельно соединённых источников. Найти число N источников ЭДС.1. The company’s name. 2. It’s activity in the market. General data. 3. The location of the head office. 4. The number of research centers and their location. 5. The number of employees, working for the company.1. Translate the text (Переведите текст): Is there an End to the Computer Race? Today the world “electronics” is in general usage. Millions of people have electron watches. There are a lot of various radio and TV sets, video cassette recorders and CD players in our houses. In factories and plants we are surrounded with electronically controlled machines and instruments, we are carried by airplanes, ships, trains and cars with built-in electronic devices , and satellites circle the globe. In other words, we are living in an electronic world.196. Газофазная реакция SO₂ + 1/2O₂ ⟷ SO₃, являющаяся стадией получения серной кислоты, описывается кинетическим уравнением r = k ⋅ [SO₂] ⋅ [O₂]. Как изменится скорость этой реакции при увеличении давления в 3 раза? 196. Составьте электронные уравнения и укажите, какой процесс – окисление или восстановление происходит при следующих превращениях:  а) (Cr₂O₇)²⁻ → 2Cr³⁺; (NO₃)⁻ → NO₂; (CrO₂)⁻ → (Cr₂O₄)²⁻.  б) На основании электронных уравнений расставьте 197. Гальваническая цепь составлена из нормального водородного электрода и свинцового электрода, погружённого в насыщенный раствор сульфата свинца. ПР(PbSO₄) = 2∙10⁻⁸. Найдите величину электродного потенциала Pb/Pb²⁺. Запишите цепь, 197. Составьте электронные уравнения и укажите, какой процесс – окисления или восстановления происходит при следующих превращениях:  а) Cl⁵⁺ → Cl⁻, N⁻³ → N⁵⁺, Fe³⁺ → Fe²⁺.  б) На основании электронных уравнений расставьте коэффициенты198. а) Определите степени окисления железа в следующих частицах:  Fe⁰; (FeOH)⁺; (FeO₄)⁻; (FeO₄)²⁻.  б) На основании электронных уравнений, расставьте коэффициенты электронно-ионным методом в уравнении реакции, идущей по схеме:  FeSO₄ + K₂Cr₂O₇ +199. а) Определите степени окисления серы в следующих частицах:  (HS)⁻; (SO₃)²⁻; (SO₄)²⁻; S⁰.  б) на основании электронных уравнений расставьте коэффициенты в уравнениях реакций, идущих по схемам:  K₂Cr₂O₇ + K₂S + H₂SO₄ → Cr₂(SO₄)₃ + S +1.9. Диск радиусом 20 см вращается согласно уравнению j = A + Bt + Ct3, где A = 3 рад, B = – 1 рад/с, C = 0,1 рад/c3. Определить тангенциальное, нормальное и полное ускорения точек на окружности диска для момента времени t = 10 с.