1.7. Для того, чтобы время полета было максимальным при данном модуле начальной скорости, тело следует бросить под углом к горизонту, равным (Решение → 82)

Вариант 1
1. Choose the correct word for each sentence. (20 баллов)
1) The most severe _____ is imprisonment.
a) punishment b) crime c) mistake
2) There are detailed _________ of prisoners’ life.
a) laws b) regulations c) situations
3) Fine is the most common penalty and it has a lot of _______.
a) advantages b) problems c) reasons
4) Compensation is ________ in some countries as an alternative to prison.
a) popular b) typical c) ancient
5) Other __________ to prison is disqualification.
a) variant b) alternative c) difference
6) In most countries capital punishment is __________.
a) prevented b) abolished c) postponed
7) ___________ of capital punishment believe that death is a just punishment for certain serious crimes.
a) supporters b) offers c) executors
8) Opponents argue that _____________ is cruel and uncivilized.
a) execution b) evolution c) exertion
9) The Prison Services in England, Wales and Scotland have a duty to _________ prisoners for release.
a) assist b ) help c) prepare
10) The _________ of release programs is to help ex prisoners re adapt to society.
a) aim b) idea c) problem
2. Use the correct word in each sentence form the words below. (20 баллов)
returning intervention outside proceedings supervised physical guaranteed education compulsory protect
1) Planning for release includes _________and getting work experience.
2) It is directed at ________ prisoners back into society.
3) Full time education is ________ for young offenders below school leaving age.
4) The prisoners work in the ______ commu
Список литературы
6) In some societies the family is thought to be so important that there is very little _________ in family life.
7) In Sweden, parents can be prosecuted for ____________ punishing their children.
8) Divorce ___________ in England take place in certain County Courts known as divorce county courts.
9) Civil liberties are freedoms that are _________ to the individual.
10) Civil rights ________ certain general human needs and interests,
3. Answer the questions on the topics “Crime and Punishment”, “Branches of Law”.
(10 баллов)
1) What alternatives to imprisonment are used in Great Britain?
2) What are the advantages of a fine?
3) Why is there little intervention into family life in many European countries?
4) What civil liberties and civil rights are guaranteed by constitutions of most countries?
5) How can you define civil liberties?
4. Do grammar exercises.
Translate the sentences into Russian. (30 баллов)
1. He was known to be an experienced lawyer.
2. The train was heard to approach.
3. The performance was expected to be a success.
4. The poem is believed to be written by an unknown author.
5. They seem to have heard all about it.
6. The meeting is unlikely to take place.
7. The data have been admitted to be incorrect.
8. This approach was found to be inefficient.
9. These results may be presumed to be successful.
10. The investigation was announced to proceed satisfactorily.
11. The crime rate proved to be increasing.
12. Conditions would be better if there were fewer prisoners.
13. If parents brought up their children properly, there would not be so many juvenile delinquents.
14. If laws were stricter, people would not commit fewer crimes.
15. If the driver had not been drunk, the consequences of the accident would not have been so tragic.
5. Read the text below and write which statements are true and which are false. (20 баллов)
One evening a thief broke into a house in the village of Lachelle. The owners were not there because they had gone to visit some friends. The thief had not eaten all day and was extremely hungry. He found a packet of biscuits in the kitchen and ate them. He then felt thirsty and, finding a bottle of champagne in the fridge, drank that. The thief felt sleepy and decided to have a little rest before robbing the house. Unfortunately, he did not wake up and the owners of the house found him on their bed when they returned. He was still asleep when the police arrived.
1) One evening a thief broke into a bank.
2) The owners were at home and called the police.
3) The thief was not hungry.
4) The thief ate the biscuits he found in the kitchen.
5) He also drank a bottle of champagne.
6) After drinking champagne, he fell asleep.
7) He woke up in time and left the house before the owners came.
8) The owners did not see the man who had broken into their house.
9) When the owners returned the house was empty.
10) When the police arrived the thief was still sleeping.




Вариант 1
1. Choose the correct word for each sentence. (20 баллов)
1) The most severe _____ is imprisonment.
a) punishment b) crime c) mistake
2) There are detailed _________ of prisoners’ life.
a) laws b) regulations c) situations
3) Fine is the most common penalty and it has a lot of _______.
a) advantages b) problems c) reasons
4) Compensation is ________ in some countries as an alternative to prison.
a) popular b) typical c) ancient
5) Other __________ to prison is disqualification.
a) variant b) alternative c) difference
6) In most countries capital punishment is __________.
a) prevented b) abolished c) postponed
7) ___________ of capital punishment believe that death is a just punishment for certain serious crimes.
a) supporters b) offers c) executors
8) Opponents argue that _____________ is cruel and uncivilized.
a) execution b) evolution c) exertion
9) The Prison Services in England, Wales and Scotland have a duty to _________ prisoners for release.
a) assist b ) help c) prepare
10) The _________ of release programs is to help ex prisoners re adapt to society.
a) aim b) idea c) problem
2. Use the correct word in each sentence form the words below. (20 баллов)
returning intervention outside proceedings supervised physical guaranteed education compulsory protect
1) Planning for release includes _________and getting work experience.
2) It is directed at ________ prisoners back into society.
3) Full time education is ________ for young offenders below school leaving age.
4) The prisoners work in the ______ commu

Список литературы

6) In some societies the family is thought to be so important that there is very little _________ in family life.
7) In Sweden, parents can be prosecuted for ____________ punishing their children.
8) Divorce ___________ in England take place in certain County Courts known as divorce county courts.
9) Civil liberties are freedoms that are _________ to the individual.
10) Civil rights ________ certain general human needs and interests,
3. Answer the questions on the topics “Crime and Punishment”, “Branches of Law”.
(10 баллов)
1) What alternatives to imprisonment are used in Great Britain?
2) What are the advantages of a fine?
3) Why is there little intervention into family life in many European countries?
4) What civil liberties and civil rights are guaranteed by constitutions of most countries?
5) How can you define civil liberties?
4. Do grammar exercises.
Translate the sentences into Russian. (30 баллов)
1. He was known to be an experienced lawyer.
2. The train was heard to approach.
3. The performance was expected to be a success.
4. The poem is believed to be written by an unknown author.
5. They seem to have heard all about it.
6. The meeting is unlikely to take place.
7. The data have been admitted to be incorrect.
8. This approach was found to be inefficient.
9. These results may be presumed to be successful.
10. The investigation was announced to proceed satisfactorily.
11. The crime rate proved to be increasing.
12. Conditions would be better if there were fewer prisoners.
13. If parents brought up their children properly, there would not be so many juvenile delinquents.
14. If laws were stricter, people would not commit fewer crimes.
15. If the driver had not been drunk, the consequences of the accident would not have been so tragic.
5. Read the text below and write which statements are true and which are false. (20 баллов)
One evening a thief broke into a house in the village of Lachelle. The owners were not there because they had gone to visit some friends. The thief had not eaten all day and was extremely hungry. He found a packet of biscuits in the kitchen and ate them. He then felt thirsty and, finding a bottle of champagne in the fridge, drank that. The thief felt sleepy and decided to have a little rest before robbing the house. Unfortunately, he did not wake up and the owners of the house found him on their bed when they returned. He was still asleep when the police arrived.
1) One evening a thief broke into a bank.
2) The owners were at home and called the police.
3) The thief was not hungry.
4) The thief ate the biscuits he found in the kitchen.
5) He also drank a bottle of champagne.
6) After drinking champagne, he fell asleep.
7) He woke up in time and left the house before the owners came.
8) The owners did not see the man who had broken into their house.
9) When the owners returned the house was empty.
10) When the police arrived the thief was still sleeping.

            17 вариант - Контрольная работа «МЕТРОЛОГИЯ, СТАНДАРТИЗАЦИЯ И СЕРТИФИКАЦИЯ»1.7. Для того, чтобы время полета было максимальным при данном модуле начальной скорости, тело следует бросить под углом к горизонту, равным17 мая 2018  г. Пашкин С.Б. обратился в отделение полиции с заявлением о том, что накануне он был побит своим соседом по дачному участку Куприным М.А.17. Рассчитайте тепловой эффект реакции восстановительного обжига:  Ca₃(PO₄)₂(к) + 5С(к) = 3CaO(к) + 5CO(г) + P₂(г)  Данная реакция будет экзо- или эндотермической?17) Способы  снижения  негативных  последствий  риска  для предприятия сферы услуг1.7. Тягомер показывает разрежение в газоходе, равное 412 Па. Атмосферное давление по ртутному барометру В = 100925 Па при t = 15°С. Определить абсолютное давление дымовых газов.17 января 2018 г. было возбуждено уголовное дело по факту совершения преступления, предусмотренного п. «в» ч. 4 ст. 162 УК РФ.  174. При смешивании растворов Na₂CO₃ и CuCl₂ каждая из взятых солей гидролизуется необратимо до конца. Выразите этот совместный гидролиз молекулярным и ионно-молекулярным уравнениями. Объясните происходящий процесс.175. Вычислите константу и степень гидролиза при t = 25 ºC для 0,1 М и 0,001 М растворов ZnCl₂ и NaNO₂. Напишите молекулярное и ионно-молекулярное уравнения гидролиза. Используя Kг и h первой ступени, определите, при каких условиях растворения176. Гальванические цепи, представленные ниже в молекулярной форме, запишите в ионной форме: а) Zn│ZnSO₄║CuSO₄│Cu; б) Al│Al₂(SO₄)₃║AgNO₃│Ag; в) Fe│FeCl₃║H₃PO₄│H₂,Pt.176. Какая из солей (NH₄)₂S или CuCl₂ гидролизуется как по катиону, так и по аниону? Напишите молекулярное и ионно-молекулярное уравнения гидролиза этой соли. Каков рН её раствора?177. Вычислите степень гидролиза Fe₂(SO₄)₃ по первой ступени 0,1 М раствора. Во сколько раз увеличится степень гидролиза соли при разбавлении раствора в 10 раз? Определите pH раствора гидролизованной соли.178. Какая из предложенных солей ZnSO₄, Cr(NO₃)₃, Na₂S гидролизуется по аниону. Напишите молекулярные и ионно-молекулярные уравнения всех возможных ступеней гидролиза этой соли. Докажите, что при обычных условиях протекает только первая ступень 179. Вычислите степень гидролиза следующих солей NaCN и NaNO₃ при концентрации каждой 0,1 М и 0,001 М. Как изменится гидролиз солей при разбавлении растворов в 100 раз?