Контрольная работа по английскому языку. 3 семестр (Решение → 33268)

<h1>1. Read the text</h1>

Travelling abroad: general tips

Travelling abroad can be a very worthwhile and rewarding experience. Whether it's your first time to leave Russia or you are a seasoned traveler, there are a number of things you need to consider when you are preparing for travel abroad.

<h1>3. Complete the sentences using the words listed below.</h1>

Valid, purchases, adventure, departure, expensive, charge, license, experienced

<h1>4. Make phrases using the words from the left column and from the right column. Translate the phrases.</h1>

1) Roaming a) license

2) driving b) agent

3) credit c) charges

4) travel d) passport

5) valid e) card

6) local f) experience

7) airline g) currency

8) worthwhile h) company

<h1>7. Make questions using the words in brackets, start with Have you ever …? Translate the sentences.</h1>
          &lt;h1&gt;1.  Read the text&lt;/h1&gt;Travelling abroad: general tipsTravelling abroad can be a very worthwhile and rewarding experience. Whether it's your first time to leave Russia or you are a seasoned traveler, there are a number of things you need to consider when you are preparing for travel abroad.&lt;h1&gt;3. Complete the sentences using the words listed below.&lt;/h1&gt;Valid, purchases, adventure, departure, expensive, charge, license, experienced&lt;h1&gt;4.   Make phrases using the words from the left column and from the right column. Translate the phrases.&lt;/h1&gt;1)               Roaming                                       a)     license2)               driving                                          b)     agent3)               credit                                             c)      charges4)               travel                                            d)     passport5)               valid                                              e)      card6)               local                                              f)      experience7)               airline                                            g)     currency8)               worthwhile                                    h)     company&lt;h1&gt;7.  Make questions using the words in brackets, start with Have you ever …? Translate the sentences.&lt;/h1&gt;  
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